Q: What is Natuzzi's CUSIP number?
A: 63905a200
Q: When did Natuzzi make its Initial Public Offering (IPO)?
A: Natuzzi had its IPO on May 13, 1993, when it became a listed company on the New York Stock Exchange.
Q: What was the price of Natuzzi's shares when it went public?
A: At the initial public offering, 9,660,000 million shares were offered through an IPO at $15.00 per share. A second tranche of 3,080,000 shares were offered at $27.375 in July 1994.
Q: When has Natuzzi's stock split during the company's history?
A: There was a 2-for-1 stock split on December, 1996.
Q: How can I purchase shares in Natuzzi?
A: Natuzzi's ADSs can be bought or sold through most stockbrokers or banks, or generally through a financial institution that provides brokerage services.
Q: Does Natuzzi offer a direct purchase program of its stock to the investing public?
A: Direct stock purchases can be made through The Bank of New York's Global BuyDIRECT program. For information regarding the program please go to or call 1-800-345-1612.
Q: What is Natuzzi's fiscal year?
A: Natuzzi's fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.
Q: Who is Natuzzi's outside legal counsel?
A: Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, New York, NY, US.
Q: How are the Natuzzi shares listed on NYSE?
A: Natuzzi’s Ordinary Shares are listed on the NYSE in the form of American Depositary Shares, or ADS, under the symbol “NTZ.” Starting from February 21, 2019, each ADS represents five Natuzzi Ordinary Shares.
- instant messages (for example, SMS and WhatsApp)
- postal address
- call with operator
for sending newsletters, to inform me about the products and services provided by the company, offers and promotions, as well as to conduct market surveys, using the methods described in point (a) of the Privacy Policy.
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Privacy Policy
Privacy & Cookies Policy
Privacy and the protection of personal data are very important to Natuzzi S.p.A. and the other companies belonging to the Natuzzi Group. The aim of this Privacy Policy is – therefore – to inform you about the ways in which we process your data for marketing purposes and in order to help us manage your participation in the Natuzzi Community.
What kind of personal data will we use?
Personal and contact information
We may use the personal and contact information provided to us when you enter into a purchase contract for Natuzzi products, request a quote or information about our products, register with the Natuzzi Community or sign up for our newsletters (hereinafter known collectively as “Data”).
In order to be able to request information and/or complete the process of registering with the Natuzzi Community, all the data indicated with an asterisk in the respective forms must be provided.
Additional data
With your consent, we may also use Data relating to you gathered according to different means than the ones just described.
More specifically, we may gather the following types of data:
- optional information that you may convey to use through order forms, quote requests and the Natuzzi Community registration form;
- information that we may obtain by examining how you interact with us, through emails and newsletters and our internet sites and apps, which may be developed either by us or by third parties (for more information, we invite you to consult their Privacy Policies);
- your purchasing behaviour, including information relating to purchases made by you and quotes requested by you from Natuzzi;
- information shared by you through social networks on which you are registered.
Why will we use your data and what legal basis we will adhere to?
If you grant your consent, we will use your data for each of the following purposes, including through the use of electronic means:
a) in order to send you – using the contact information provided by you – newsletters, information on products and services provided by our company, offers and promotions, and to conduct market research. For example, we might send you emails or instant messages (e.g. via SMS and WhatsApp), send you promotional material to your postal address or contact you on the phone via an operator.
b) in order to examine your preferences, the ways in which you interact with us and your purchasing behaviour. More specifically, in order to better understand your tastes and interests as regards our products and correspondence, we may examine – including using automated systems – the information you provide to us in order forms and quote requests, purchases made by you at Natuzzi stores in the last ten years, your interest in the correspondence and newsletters we send you, your visits to our websites, the way you use our apps and your interest in our social media channels (e.g. Facebook). For more information on the Data we may obtain as a result of you browsing our internet websites and/or using our apps, please consult the relevant privacy documents. Finally, we may supplement your profile with information of a statistical natural that we lawfully obtain from other sources: this could be in relation to where you live (e.g. demographic information, geo-referencing data etc.) or the electronic devices you use to interact with us.
In any case, this kind of profiling activity shall not have any legal consequences on you, nor will it have a significant effect on you personally.
Moreover, in the event that you have filled in a form for the request for information, we will use your Data:
c) to provide you with the information requested;
And, in the event you have filled in the Natuzzi Community registration form, we will use your Data for the following purpose, including through the use of electronic means:
d) to manage your participation in the Natuzzi Community. Your Data will be used to provide you with discounts and other advantages which may be made available to you. More generally, it will be used to satisfy all related contractual and administrative requirements.
Registration with the Natuzzi Community is optional and neither registration nor the information request is in any way dependent on you granting your consent for the data processing purposes set out at (a) and (b).
Who is the data controller?
The data controller is Natuzzi S.p.A., whose contact details are shown below.
How long will we store your Data for?
We will only store your Data for the period of time necessary to pursue the various data processing purposes.
As regards the Natuzzi Community, your Data will not be stored for processing for longer than the time necessary to manage your participation in the Natuzzi Community. In the event that you decide to leave the Natuzzi Community, your Data will be deleted within 30 days.
For the purposes set out at (a) and (b), your personal and contact information will be stored for processing until such time as you revoke your consent, while information relating to your purchases will be stored for processing for no longer than 10 years from the date of collection. Information relating to your interactions with us will be stored for no longer than 12 months from the date of collection.
Who will we communicate your Data to?
For administrative purposes, we may communicate your Data to our service suppliers (e.g. IT services). If you are registered with the Natuzzi Community, we may communicate your Data to companies – including foreign companies – who manage the stores participating in the Natuzzi Community initiative, as well as to third parties where we are legally obliged to do so.
A full list of such companies will be made available if you send a written request to the contact details shown below.
How will the transfer of your Data to non-EU countries be regulated?
Your data may be transferred outside of the European Union, including to countries where the level of personal data protection may be lower than that guaranteed by European regulations.
In any case, your Data will be adequately protected during such data transfers, particularly as regards the standard contractual clauses introduced by European Commission Decision 2010/87/CE
What rights do you have?
You have the right to request access to the Data, to request the amendment or cancelation of the Data, to request that data procession by limited, to object to our using your Data and to request that a copy of your Data be sent to you.
Rights of the interested party
Right of access
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether your personal data is being processed or not. If it is, you have the right to access your personal data and receive the information contained in this Privacy Policy.
Right of amendment
You have the right to obtain – without undue delay – the amendment of any incorrect personal data regarding you.
Right of cancellation
The have the right to obtain – without undue delay – the cancellation of personal data regarding you for any of the following reasons:
a) the personal data is no longer necessary as per the purposes for which they were collected or processed;
b) you have revoked your consent to data processing and there are no other legal grounds for data processing;
c) you have opposed data procession and there is no other legitimate motive to proceed to data processing;
d) your personal data has been processed unlawfully;
e) your personal data must be deleted to complete with a legal obligation.
Right to limit data processing
You have the right to obtain the limitation of data processing in the following scenarios:
a) if you inform us that your personal data is incorrect, we will limit data processing for the period needed for the data controller to check your personal data;
b) if data processing is illegal and you oppose the deletion of your personal data and instead request that its use is limited;
c) even though the data controller no longer needs your personal data for data processing purposes, your personal data may still be needed to check, exercise or defend a right in a legal setting;
d) if you have opposed data processing and are awaiting verification that we have legitimate reasons for this.
Right of opposition
You have the right to oppose – at any time – the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, including any profiling activities linked to marketing.
Right to data portability
You have the right to obtain a copy of the personal data we have regarding you in a well-structured, intuitive format that can be viewed on an automatic device. You also have the right to pass this data to another data controller without the consent of the data controller that supplied you with it, in the event that:
a) data processing is based on consent or a contract; and
b) data processing is carried out using automated means.
You have the right to obtain the direct transfer of your personal data to another data controller, provided this is technically possible and only by request.
How can you change your preferences or revoke consent?
You can – at any time – check, modify or revoke your consent for the data processing purposes as set out in (a) and (b). You may also declare that you no longer wish to receive commercial information via email and/or instant messaging services. You can decide to leave the Natuzzi Community at any time. In order to do so, simply contact Natuzzi S.p.A. or the Data Protection Manager at the address [email protected].
How do you contact the data controller and Data Protection Officer to exercise your rights?
You can exercise your rights by writing to the data controller and/or Data Protection Officer at the following addresses:
Data controller:
Natuzzi S.p.A.
Via Iazzitiello, 47
70029 Santeramo in Colle (BA)
Email: [email protected]
Natuzzi S.p.A. Data Protection Officer:
Protection Trade Srl
Via Giorgio Morandi, 22
04020 Itri (LT)
How do you contact the relevant authorities to make a complaint?
Any complaints can be sent to the relevant authorities at the following address:
Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali [Personal Data Protection Authority]
Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121
00186 Rome
Fax: (+39) 06.69677.3785
Tel: (+39) 06.696771
Email: [email protected]
Certified email address: [email protected]
How will we keep you informed of any changes to this Privacy Policy?
This Privacy Policy is subject to change in the event that any changes are made to the way we process your Data or any other information contained herein. Your rights will not be affected by any changes. In the event that changes are made that may limit the protection of your personal data or infringe upon your rights as set out in the current version, we will use the contact details provided by you to inform you of this before your Data is processed according to the new policy. Your right to leave the Natuzzi Community and modify your consent and preferences will be guaranteed.
In any case, we invite you to consult the up-to-date Privacy Policy on the website from time to time.
Last updated: 14/05/2018
Information briefing
The methods of managing the internet site are described on this page, with regard to the processing of the personal data of the users who consult it. This information briefing is given in accordance with the European Regulation 679/2016 on matters of the protection of physical persons with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of these data (hereinafter also referred to as the Regulation) for users of the services of our website that are delivered via the internet. The information briefing is not valid for other websites that may be consulted through our links, for which Natuzzi S.p.A. is not in any way responsible.
The Data Controller of the personal data processed following consultation of our website is Natuzzi S.p.A. (hereinafter, also referred to as Natuzzi), with registered office in Via Iazzitiello, 47 – Santeramo in Colle (BA).
The Data Protection Manager is Protection Trade S.r.l. with registered office in Via Giorgio Morandi – 22, Itri (LT), contact email address: [email protected].
The processing connected to the web services of this site takes place at the aforementioned office of the Company by employees and collaborators of Natuzzi appointed to carry out the processing. The data derived from the Website may be communicated to the subjects that manage the website, to technological and instrumental partners of which the Data Controller makes use for the delivery of the services requested by the users, as well as subjects to which the right of access to the data is recognised by legal measures and/or secondary regulations. The personal data provided by users who forward requests for information material to be sent (information requests, responses to questions etc.) or other communications are used for the sole purpose of performing the service requested and are communicated to third parties only in the event that it is necessary for this purpose.
Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures employed to operate this website acquire, in the course of their normal operation, certain personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of the Internet communication protocols.
These are data that are not collected in order to be associated with identified interested parties but, by their nature, could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, enable users to be identified.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by those who connect to the website, addresses in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful outcome, error etc.) and other parameters regarding the operating system and the user’s computer environment.
These data are used for the sole purpose of extracting anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to control its proper functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the case of potential computer crimes to the detriment of the website.
Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of emails to the addresses indicated on this website leads to the subsequent acquisition of the address of the sender, required to respond to the requests, as well as any other personal data entered in the communication.
Specific summary information briefings shall progressively be reported or displayed on the pages of the website provided for particular services on request.
This website uses cookies and similar technologies in order to ensure the proper functioning of the procedures and to improve the user experience of the online applications. Cookies are textual elements that are inserted on the computer’s hard disk. The function of cookies is to streamline the analysis of web traffic or to indicate when a specific website is visited and enable web applications to send information to individual users. Detailed information is given below on the use of cookies and similar technologies, how they are used by Natuzzi and how to manage them.
Natuzzi uses the following types of cookies:
- “technical” cookies:
These cookies are functional to navigation and guarantee the secure and efficient exploration of the website. In addition, Google Analytics cookies are used solely to collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and how they visit the website. These are third-party cookies collected and managed in anonymous form in order to monitor and improve the performance of the host website (performance cookies). (For further information on Google cookies policy, refer to the following link:
- third-party cookies regarding “social plugins”:
By visiting a website, cookies may be received both from the site visited (“proprietary”), and by websites managed by other organisations (“third-party”). Third-party cookies are those regarding the “social plugins” for Facebook, Twitter and Google. These are parts of the page visited that are generated directly by the aforementioned websites and integrated in the page of the host website. The most common use of social plugins is aimed at sharing content on the social networks. The presence of these plugins leads to the transmission of cookies to and from all the websites managed by third parties. The management of the information collected by “third parties” is governed by the respective information briefing to which you should refer. To ensure greater transparency and convenience, the web addresses of the various information briefings and methods for managing cookies are given below.
Facebook information briefing:
LinkedIn information briefing:
YouTube information briefing:
Instagram information briefing:
- “Remarketing” cookies:
These cookies are persistent, that is, fragments of information that last longer and that are entered on the hard disk of the user’s computer to remain there until the “cookie” is deleted. “Persistent cookies” only record that an unidentified visitor has navigated the internet site and has accepted, or otherwise, the short information briefing. The website uses other persistent third-party cookies for monitoring visits regarding the digital activities carried out. The Remarketing cookies used are those of Google.
The user can decide whether or not to accept cookies by using the settings of their browser.
The total or partial disabling of technical cookies may compromise the use of the functions of the website reserved to registered users. Public content, on the contrary, can be used even after completely disabling cookies.
Disabling “third-party” or profiling cookies is not in any way detrimental to navigability.
The settings can be specifically defined for different websites and web applications. Indeed, the best browsers enable different settings to be defined for “proprietary” and “third-party” cookies.
We indicate below how to disable cookies through certain browsers.
Google Chrome
- Select the icon from the Chrome menu.
- Select settings.
- In the lower part of the page, select Show advanced settings.
- In the “Privacy” section, select Content settings.
- Select Prevent sites from setting data.
- Select End.
- Go to the Safari menu (icon in the top right of the browser) and select Preferences.
- In the pop-up window that opens, select the Security icon (in the shape of a padlock).
- Under the item “Accept cookies”, select the “Never” button.
- Click on the button of the menus and select Options.
- Select the Privacy panel.
- In the History item: select Use custom settings.
- To activate cookies, mark the item Accept cookies from websites; to deactivate them, remove the tick from the item.
- Go to the Explorer menu and click on the Settings button and then on Advanced Options.
- Click on the Cookies tab and move the slider up to block all cookies or down to enable all cookies, then click on OK.
Unless specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data to request the services offered by the company. Failure to grant the data may make it impossible to obtain the requested service.
Personal data are processed with manual and automatic instruments in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation. The data shall be retained only for the time necessary to attain the purpose for which they were collected, except in the case of other requirements deriving from legal obligations. Thereafter, the personal data shall be deleted.
A user who accepts remarketing cookies may be profiled for a maximum period of 90 days.
The personal data subject to processing shall be retained in such a way as to reduce to a minimum, by means of adopting suitable preventive security measures, the risks of destruction or loss, including accidental, of the data, unauthorised access or processing that is not allowed or does not conform with the purposes of the collection.
The legal basis for the processing of the data is the provision of a service or the response to a request in favour of the interested parties.
rights of the interested parties
With regard to the processing of personal data, an interested party can apply to the Data Controller or Data Protection Manager by writing to the email address: [email protected] to assert their rights as laid down by the Regulation: specifically, they can request access, correction, updating, blocking, revocation of the consent in compliance with the applicable regulations, limitation of the processing, the portability of the data and their deletion.
Finally, we remind you that you have the right to complain to the Control Authority.
All content of this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, audio clips, videos, images and animations is exclusive property of Natuzzi S.p.A. and is protected by the international laws on copyright and other intellectual property rights. No content can be used in any way without first obtaining the express written consent of Natuzzi S.p.A. To receive such consent and the right of reproduction, please contact Natuzzi S.p.A. Natuzzi S.p.A. is not liable for the photos published. Icons and commercial logos featured on this website are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights of the respective owners.
All the photos are property of the author and any unauthorized usage can be prosecuted in accordance with current laws.
Company information
Registered office Via Iazzitiello, 47 – 70029 Santeramo in Colle (Ba)
Tax Code and VAT and Companies Registration Office of Bari 03513760722
Tel 080 8820111 Fax 080 8820241
Fully paid up capital € 54.853.045,00
Company Subject to the direction and coordination of Invest 2003 Srl